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6 West Railroad Avenue

PO Box 52

Nickerson, KS 67561


Casey Hartman - Supervisor, Certified Water & Waste Water Operator
Matt Monroe - Maintenance Tech I
Josh Dreiling - Maintenance Tech III, Certified Water & Waste Water Operator



The City of Nickerson Maintenance Department is responsible for water production and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, street maintenance, recreational parks, animal control, cemetery, and city burn site.







Water Production and Distribution

The city has 3 wells in production, pumping approximately 400 gallons per minute. The pumping accrues various times throughout a 24-hour period.  The water is distributed through the systems main lines, which vary in size from 8 inch down to 2 inch in diameter.  There are 2 elevated storage tanks holding a total of 175,000 gallons.  The water is treated with liquid chlorine and polyphosphate, which allows the city to meet the requirements of Kansas Department of Health and Environment also the Environmental Protection Agency. 










Wastewater Collection and Treatment

The City currently has a 3 cell facilitative waste water treatment facility, commonly referred to as lagoons. The waste water improvement project includes a new pumping station with standby generator, several new collection lines and manholes. The facility currently collects approximately 140,000 gallons of waste water over a 24-hour period. The waste water is treated through aeration, bacteria and settling in compliance with current Kansas Department of Health and Environment regulations.









Street Maintenance

The city has an ongoing street maintenance program to include by sections annually pavement rejuvenations, grading, curb and drainage work.  Also, included are street signs, signals and dusk to dawn lighting.

Picture of Lagoon
Picture of Water Tower
Picture of Maintenance Department
Picture of Water Tower & Co-op
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